Vulnhub — Drifting Blues 6 Write-up

Difficulty: Easy
Resources: -
Link to the machine on Vulnhub
Video Solution by Proxy Programmer
Write-up by jetming (CN)
Write-up by linked (EN)
Nmap Scan

Nice, port 80 (http) is opened.
Gobuster Results


Checking out /robots.txt, the author has instructed us to include .zip extension to our directory scanning.
We’ll return for the disallowed entry (/textpattern/textpattern) later on.

With .zip included to the directory search, we’ve found an extra zip file. Let’s go ahead and download it.


Seems to be an encrypted zip file. Let’s try some password cracking then!

Well, that was fast…
fcrackzip is a handy tool for cracking encrypted zip files, you may install it via the command below.
sudo apt-get install fcrackzip

Nice! We’ve got some credentials.
Time to get back to the disallowed entry (/textpattern/textpattern) on robots.txt.

Here, we’ll use the credentials that we’ve just obtained.

Hmm… What do we have here… An article posting page! Which means we can use it to run a PHP reverse shell!

Googled a bit to understand the syntax for PHP code in Textpattern.

Under “3.1- Using PHP inside of an article”, we get to know the syntax of PHP code in an article.
<code for PHP reverse shell>

For the PHP reverse shell, we’ll use the one written by pentestmonkey.
Before publishing the article, remember to replace the ip:port and enclose the code with correct PHP tags! (not the usual <?php …code… ?>)

Setting up Netcat listener on port 8888

After publishing the article, we can view it from Content → Articles.

For some reason, the link doesn’t point us to the right ip, so we’ll have to correct it ourselves.

Lovely! A reverse shell!
Privilege Escalation

“uname -a” reveals the system is running on an outdated version of Linux, of which is vulnerable to the infamous Dirty Cow Exploit.

Let’s retrieve the Dirty Cow Exploit from Exploit-DB.

Transferring the Dirty Cow Exploit to target machine with nc.
Hit CTRL+C on our machine (not the reverse shell!!) after the transferring the exploit.

Compiling and running the exploit, we are being prompted to enter a password of our choice.
Depending on resources allocated for the DriftingBlues VM, this process may take a minute or two.

Switching over to user firefart.
A little hiccup here, no worries, let’s spawn a pty shell.

After spawning a pty shell, let’s try switching over to user firefart again.

Our flag!
Overall a nice and enjoyable box!